February 05, 2024 Important Updates Regarding Memorial Bridge Toll Transactions and Billing
The following are important updates about Memorial Bridge toll transactions and billing, specifically Pay-by-Mail invoices and auto-replenishment for MOV Pass account customers.
MOV Pass Account Customers
MOV Pass account holders with questions or wanting to pay a portion of their account balance before auto-replenishment begins are encouraged to stop in and visit the Parkersburg Bridge Partners Customer Service Center, 2311 Ohio Avenue, Unit E, or call 855-643-4389. Check parkersburgbridgepartners.com for current hours of operation.
Pay-by-Mail Customers
If you receive a Pay-by-Mail invoice, you can access your account information and make a payment using the information on your invoice to log on to www.mymovpass.com.
We encourage Pay-by-Mail customers to reduce their bill by taking advantage a limited-time offer:
- Create a MOV Pass account for future travels across Memorial Bridge, and Parkersburg Bridge Partners will adjust Pay-by-Mail toll transactions to the lower, MOV Pass rate based on vehicle class.
- Offer only valid for transactions on first invoice, and payment in full of the adjusted balance is required.
- Customers can call 855-643-4389 or visit 2311 Ohio Avenue, Unit E, to open an account and redeem this offer.
E-ZPass account holders
Customers who have used Memorial Bridge with a compatible E-ZPass transponder, should be seeing activity on their E-ZPass account.