April 04, 2024 MOV Pass Pricing Clarified to Address Misconceptions
We’d love to clear up some misinformation about Memorial Bridge tolling so you can enjoy paying the lowest possible toll rates.
True or False: You can reduce your Pay-by-Mail invoice by opening a MOV Pass account.
TRUE! Reduce your bill to the lower, transponder rate by opening a MOV Pass account. For one crossing, this lowers the charge from $4.50 to just $1. Offer is only valid for transactions on first invoice, and payment in full of the adjusted balance is required. Must be redeemed in person by the due date on the invoice.
True or False: Your only option is paying $4.50 to cross Memorial Bridge one way.
FALSE! $4.50 is the Pay-by-Mail price for drivers who don’t have a transponder. You have several other options to pay much lower rates! With a MOV Pass or E-ZPass account, drivers can pay just $1 per crossing. With a MOV Pass $30/mo unlimited pass, you can drive over the bridge as much as you want for one flat monthly fee!
True or False: It costs $30 per month to get a transponder in order to pay just $1 per crossing.
FALSE! Signing up for MOV Pass is free. All it takes to pay just $1 per crossing is to get a MOV Pass. To open your account, we ask customers to pre-pay at least $30. We deduct each crossing from that pre-paid balance — like a digital ticket book.
True or False: Opening a MOV Pass account is EASY!
TRUE! You can open your account one of three ways. See details below. We’re here to help! Open your account and start saving!
Three easy options to create a MOV Pass account:
- Online: www.mymovpass.com
- In person: 2311 Ohio Avenue, Unit E, Parkersburg, open M/Th/Fr: 9am-5pm & Tu/W: 10am-6pm
- By phone: 855-643-4389, M-F 10am-7pm
Pay-by-Mail customers, visit us in person today to have your bill reduced!