April 11, 2024 It Pays to Open a MOV Pass Account
Opening a MOV Pass Account Pays!
It truly pays to open a MOV Pass account. Remember that having a MOV Pass:
- Reduces a Pay-by-Mail invoice to the lower, transponder rate. Offer is only valid for transactions on first invoice, and payment in full of the adjusted balance is required. Must be redeemed in person by the due date on the invoice.
- Lowers the toll rate from $4.50 to just $1 per crossing. With a MOV Pass $30/mo unlimited pass, you can drive over the bridge as much as you want for one flat monthly fee!
- Is easy! We’re here to help you. See details below.
Don’t delay! Open your MOV Pass today.
March into Savings Winner Announced!
Opening a MOV Pass account sure paid off for Keith S. He is the winner of the $500 gift card giveaway from our March into Savings promotion. Keith’s name was entered into the drawing along with all others who opened a MOV Pass account in March. Congratulations!
- Online: www.mymovpass.com
- In person: 2311 Ohio Avenue, Unit E, Parkersburg, open M/Th/Fr: 9am-5pm & Tu/W: 10am-6pm
- By phone: 855-643-4389, M-F 10am-7pm
Pay-by-Mail customers, visit us in person today to have your bill reduced!