June 10, 2022 Memorial Bridge traffic alerts for efficient route planning
As summer begins and we anticipate more traffic in the Mid-Ohio Valley, Parkersburg Bridge Partners is providing a progress report for the Memorial Bridge rehabilitation project. We know the bridge is not attractive at this time, and hear drivers’ concerns as they pass across a bridge under construction. Safety is our first priority for both the traveling public and our workers. As preparation for the rehabilitation, Memorial Bridge passed Federal Highway Safety Administration inspections. The bridge will continue to be inspected using these standards.
We ask for your help in maintaining safety as you approach and drive across Memorial Bridge. One lane is open to traffic. Remote traffic signals are in place to keep traffic moving on each side of the bridge. Please stop at red lights, only shift lanes when the light is green and you are at the signal location. Following the 25 mph speed limit and driving without distractions also maintains a safe work environment for our construction personnel.
In our current construction phase, drivers will notice corrugated metal panels creating a roof across the bridge. These, along with the panels below the bridge deck, are part of the paint containment system. The paint crew walks on these platforms when working above the bridge deck. They also prevent debris from falling onto cars or workers. Cables are visible across the bridge and are also part of the paint containment system. These are both safety rigging for the paint crew and to secure tarps, which are covering the bridge as rust and paint removal begins. These tarps will continue to cover the bridge as rust and paint are removed and the new paint and coating is sprayed.
During the early spring closure, the asphalt was milled and some small sections removed to reach welds on the existing steel grid deck. The asphalt overlay is intended to improve the driving surface and aesthetics and does not affect the structural integrity of the bridge. The entire bridge deck and curb is being replaced as part of the rehabilitation process. Sections of existing steel grid decking are being removed and replaced with cast in place concrete. This will continue throughout the project until the entire bridge deck has been replaced.
The rehabilitation project will run through late 2023 and tolls will not change until construction is complete.
Follow our page for regular updates on the project and feel free to contact us with questions. Have a safe summer by driving without distraction and following all posted speed limits and traffic signals!