February 28, 2024 Thank You! MOV Pass Ready to Assist with Your Account
Thank You! We’re Here to Help!
- A big thanks to those who have reached out with questions about their accounts. We are happy to assist, and your feedback is used for continuous training and improvement.
- If you have questions or concerns about your MOV PASS account – OR if you never created an account and expect to receive a Pay-by-Mail invoice – WE ARE HERE TO HELP YOU! Please let us know what questions you have.
- Here’s a new change, effective immediately, based on your feedback. To make account management easier for our customers on the $30/mo plan, the minimum auto-replenishment amount is now $30 versus $25.
- As we continue to turn on more automation on MOV Pass accounts, we strongly encourage everyone to log into and review their information at mymovpass.com.
Call: 855-643-4389, M-F, 10am-7pm
Visit: 2311 Ohio Avenue, Unit E, Parkersburg Mon/Thur/Fri 9am-5pm and Tues/Wed 10am-6pm
Here’s a refresher to clarify one of the most common questions at both the walk-in and call center this week:
Q: How does auto-replenishment work?
A: Auto-replenishment is an option on your MOV Pass account to maintain the current minimum balance of $10. It automatically charges your debit/credit card according to the increment you select and applies it to your account balance until the minimum balance threshold is met. For example, if you select to auto-replenish at $30 and your account balance is -$100, you will see four $30 payments to meet the minimum balance threshold.
Remember we offer answers to frequently asked questions at parkersburgbridgepartners.com. Or, please reach out for personalized assistance by calling 855-643-4389 or visiting us at 2311 Ohio Avenue, Unit E, in Parkersburg.