March 28, 2024 MOV Pass Account Options Explained
What MOV Pass Account Type Works Best for You?
At Parkersburg Bridge Partners, we offer residential customers driving Class 1 vehicles TWO different MOV Pass payment options – both of which are digital replacements for the former ticket books:
Option One: Pay $1 per crossing
First, let’s clear the air! This option has no monthly service fee. It is simply $1 per crossing that is deducted from the $30 pre-paid balance we ask each customer to open their MOV Pass account with — like tearing one ticket from the old ticket books. We call this a “pay as you go” MOV Pass account. A pay-as-you-go account is perfect for drivers who use the bridge fewer than 30 times per month.
Option Two: Pay $30/mo for unlimited crossings
This account provides a discount for drivers who use the bridge regularly – more than 30 times per month. For this account, we ask customers to create an initial balance of $30. We will deduct $30 each month thereafter from the payment method you select for your account – either credit or debit card.
March is the perfect time to create a MOV Pass account
Open your account in person, online or by phone by March 31, and your name will be entered into our $500 Giveaway!
Another offer you won’t want to miss
If you receive a Pay-by-Mail invoice for travel over Memorial Bridge without a transponder, we invite you to REDUCE YOUR BILL by creating a MOV Pass account for future travels across the bridge. We will adjust your Pay-by-Mail toll transactions to the lower MOV Pass rate based on your vehicle class. Offer valid for transactions on first invoice only, and payment in full of the adjusted balance is required.
Call 681-381-7634 or visit 2311 Ohio Avenue, Unit E to open an account and redeem this offer.
Three easy options to create a MOV Pass account:
- Online: www.mymovpass.com
- In person: 22311 Ohio Avenue, Unit E, Parkersburg, open M/Th/Fr: 9am-5pm & Tu/W: 10am-6pm
- By phone: 681-381-7634, M/Th/Fr: 9am-5pm & Tu/W: 10am-6pm
Pay-by-Mail customers, call or walk in today to have your bill reduced!