
Creating a MOV Pass account and properly installing a transponder sticker continue to be key for paying the lowest rates and taking advantage of any upcoming promotions for Memorial Bridge.   The recent demand for assistance with opening and managing accounts has resulted in longer than desired...

Thank You for Your Patience Customers are responding to our initial round of toll statements, which consisted of thousands of invoices in a matter of days. Many are taking advantage of our promotional offer and converting their accounts to a MOV-Pass which also includes a reduction...

Opening a MOV Pass Account Pays! It truly pays to open a MOV Pass account. Remember that having a MOV Pass: Reduces a Pay-by-Mail invoice to the lower, transponder rate. Offer is only valid for transactions on first invoice, and payment in full of the adjusted balance...

What MOV Pass Account Type Works Best for You? At Parkersburg Bridge Partners, we offer residential customers driving Class 1 vehicles TWO different MOV Pass payment options – both of which are digital replacements for the former ticket books: Option One: Pay $1 per crossing First, let's clear...

The following are important updates about Memorial Bridge toll transactions and billing, specifically Pay-by-Mail invoices and auto-replenishment for MOV Pass account customers.   MOV Pass Account Customers MOV Pass account holders with questions or wanting to pay a portion of their account balance before auto-replenishment begins are encouraged...

November 2022   Parkersburg Bridge Partners works with Parkersburg Mayor Tom Joyce, Belpre Mayor Michael Lorentz, and public safety officials to accelerate the completion and reopening of Memorial Bridge to Fall 2023 after driver violation of traffic safety measures necessitated the closure of the bridge for the...